ATTENTION: Single Catholic Women Who Feel It's Hard to Find "The One"

God knows your heart!
He hears your prayers. 
With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can go from being broken hearted, discouraged,
feeling unworthy of true love, and doubting God to having clarity and confidence so you can exude an energy and vibe that’s attractive and irresistible to your right match.

You’re invited to join me in the Love Is On Its Way Coaching Experience! It’s for you if you want to be able to find true love with more confidence, decisiveness, peace, and joy.  

The Love Is On Its Way Coaching Experience helps guide single Catholic women to stop hiding with their excuses, clear emotional heartbreak and doubts they’ve held for years about being worthy and deserving of love, and discern possible true love matches with the Holy Spirit. 

You fully show up on dates as the strong, intelligent, and capable woman you are.

Love Is On Its Way Coaching Experience

In this 4-month coaching experience, we’ll work in the following areas: 

Module 1 Discerning With the Fruits of the Holy Spirit 

You’ll learn and apply ways you can display the fruits of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life. You’ll learn how to recognize the fruits of the Holy Spirit, especially in your relationships, so that you can navigate your love life based on them. You’ll develop the skills to discern when someone is a possible true love match. 

 Module 2 Fortifying Your Love Mindset 

 For each fruit of the spirit, you’ll receive a corresponding meditation to listen to, reflect on, and journal about. In this module, you will identify your limiting beliefs arising from bad dating and childhood experiences. This awareness enables you to reduce the emotional charge of the past and clear limiting beliefs so that your heart opens up to the possibility of true and committed love. 

Module 3 Building a Strong Foundation for a Strong Marriage Relationship 

In this module, we’ll cover the stages in a relationship, influences from childhood and past relationships, self-love, effective communication, your core values, love languages, and possible roadblocks in partnership and how to handle them. This module helps you lay a strong foundation for your future marriage. 


Transformation takes place over time with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

How do we accomplish all this together?

In this program, you get:

+ twelve 50 minute weekly group coaching calls

+  two 30 minute 1-on-1 calls with me (with the option to add more coaching calls for an additional fee)

+  spiritual practices / exercises to work on daily

+  specific next steps

+  email or chat support, and

+  a supportive and warm environment where you learn from each other and cheer each other in community

With the Love Is On Its Way Coaching Experience, you will learn to build a strong foundation for a happy Catholic marriage by letting God be your matchmaker and putting Him at the center of love life and your whole life.
Let God Be at the Center
Let God Be Your Matchmaker

The women who get the best results from the program are those who:

+ Can devote meeting 3 hours a month for group calls

+ Are dedicated to do self-reflection, spiritual practices, and other assignments (15 minutes daily) outside of group meetings

+ Are willing to try new things even though they have tried them before and/or they think they might not work

The program price is regularly $399, but for a limited time is $249. Considering that other love coaching or dating coaching packages charge more for a fraction of the coaching time, I hope you’ll agree that this is a sound investment.

The investment amount will increase on May 19, so join now.



The course taught me how to love my-self. I Learned to trust more in me and in the Lord, to practice positive self-talk, to build a respectful, loving and harmonious relationship with in me and with others. Helped me to be fully in the present moment and to become a person with qualities of a true love practicing the Fruit of the Holy Spirit and recognizing them in a potential mate. I strongly recommended the “True Love” class with Celeste. She is a kind, gentle, good listener and knowledgeable coach. In this course, she uses bible verses which are meaningful for our faith.      Magdalena A.

I was excited and delighted to enroll in Celeste's course. Excited because I have been looking for some fun and meaningful dating relationships after being a widow for 15 years. Delighted because the course is doable being once a week and done via internet access with podcasts and email reinforcements. Celeste presented well the different topics to prepare us to meet and recognize our true love prospects. She helped me discern through prayer and creative exercises like Journaling, imagination, vision board planning and hopeful expectations. Sharing our different experiences among a group of Catholic Christian ladies interested in this practical process of our love journeys was fascinating as well as invigorating. ​ I learned to let go and LET GOD the Holy Spirit guide me in my choices and actions. I listened to Scripture as God's direct messages on how I will proceed. One Sun day, the message from 1Corinthians 7 was for single people not to be married so they can be free to serve the Lord and be holy. The following 2 days the message was Jesus send his disciples 2 by 2 to evangelize. If I can find someone who wants to be my discipleship partner, then he has God's stamp of approval... Celeste followed up on my progress after the course, encouraging me to be open to possibilities that my true love is on his way. ​ • That same night I got two emails from Catholic and I had 8 likes. Wow! I was really surprised because I had not visited those 2 sites for over 10 years. I am choosing between an Irish and Italian widowers.    Nely G. 

“I enjoyed participating in the course lead by Celeste Sibolboro. Participating with other like minded women was inspiring and hopeful. The environment was very supportive and warm and during this time of Covid lockdowns where isolation was sometimes an issue, I looked forward even more to connecting with Celeste and all the other participants in the group who shared their own experiences and positivity. It was a comforting and uplifting time. Celeste truly has a sincere and caring interest in wanting to inspire others to pursue love and to continue to do so despite any challenges someone may have had in the past or even the present. She is very creative in presenting the course and encourages active participation. She was also very patient and understanding in the event I was running late due to work. If you are looking for a Christ centered hopeful place to learn about the pursuit of love and relationships while in a safe and caring environment, I’d recommend the True Love course lead by Celeste. Thank you Celeste!”       Suzy A.

I'd be honored to guide you
in your journey to finding true love.   
   ~ Celeste Sibolboro, True Love Coach

Love Is On Its Way Coaching - Early bird$249

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  • Total payment
  • 1xLove Is On Its Way Coaching - Early bird$249

All prices in USD is owned by Celeste Sibolboro and Celestial Nook